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Families at the Center of a Connected Community Learning Series

Families at the Center of a Connected Community
Three-Part Series

Apr 18 Apr 25 • 10AM - NOON

“I had to find a way to trust my community. I had to make my community a safe place because I didn't want to enter judgment or put my son or my family in a predicament that wouldn't be positive for our family. And I didn't want him to have judgment connected to his diagnosis or given a negative span because of a diagnosis. So I definitely had to find a way to allow my community to be everything that I wished and wanted them to be.

And now, the conversation is not about a disability or a diagnosis. It's about the excitement that we bring to our community." –Achsah Fitzhugh, Starfire Family Mentor

Inclusion of individuals with disabilities begins with recognizing gifts, opportunities and resources; it secures occasions to learn, grow and unite with non-disabled peers.

Starfire, a non-profit organization from Cincinnati, Ohio, and a member of the Ohio Family Network, works alongside people with disabilities to build better lives by connecting with their communities. These connections help to lessen the isolation and loneliness that individuals with disabilities often experience by uniting them with people and passions in their local areas.

On April 18 and 25, Starfire will host parts two and three of a three-session education series via Zoom for families and providers. The series will demonstrate how to become the momentum in connecting neighbors to neighbors and individuals to their communities.

Participants will:

  • Recognize families as the center of inclusion.

  • Understand the process that led to Starfire’s support of families.

  • Discover how families can build a community around an individual with disabilities.

  • Hear firsthand from families in Cincinnati how they connected with their communities.

  • Gather information on raising funds for large, community projects.

Registration: Families at the Center of a Connected Community