Caregivers need care, too.

A recent WSJ story, “How Caregivers Can Take Care Of Themselves” caught my eye over the holiday break. The piece, by Clare Ansberry, was so thorough and well-written, and the timing was impeccable as one by one, family and friends were calling to cancel plans because of COVID, Omicron or “omicroflu” as my sister joked. Cue the continued isolation.

As the whole world grapples with round 2 of coronavirus, the article offers some great suggestions for caregivers looking to shore up their physical, mental, and financial health this year.  And it’s a great time to get involved safely with sessions Starfire will host this month - the Community Story Hour and the Community Design Session - that can help caregivers, families and individuals with developmental disabilities build community in 2022!

Let’s start with self-care. Dr. Grubbissich, quoted in Ansberry’s piece, says it best: “Caregiving is a very noble thing.  But you need to be well to care for someone else.”

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and positive outlook are two keys to “being well.” When our time or roles are seen as valued, we feel pride and confidence, which is why Starfire compensates individuals and families for the time they spend creating projects that add to their neighborhood’s culture, establish identities, and build communities. And these Starfire Commitments of Community Building serve to guide our community-building work:

4 Commitments of Community Building

  1. Discover your community’s gifts

  2. Create something that belongs to you and your neighborhood

  3. Grow connections

  4. Look for joy

Being well is not a one-time Uber XL. It’s a daily journey. Make yours joyful with a few of these self-care tips for 2022:

Physical Health

  • If you’ve been putting off a routine check-up or a checking of aches and pains, schedule a physical (it may take awhile, so get it scheduled now.)

  • Take breaks. Even a 10-minute time-out can help you reset. And rest.

Financial Health

  • Use the new year as an opportunity to review or create a budget. Start by looking at last year’s expenses to estimate what you’ll need in ‘22

  • Many states offer tax-free stipends for caregivers who are relatives. Often overlooked, these funds can help extend your budget.

Emotional Health

  • Update or create a phone tree of family and friends for easy access and sharing.

  • Identify activities that you like - be it a walk or a movie or a chat with a neighbor - that you can do to help release pent-up emotions in a healthy way

  • Build community - we published several ideas from our mentor, John O’Brien, from “Actions That Build Community” piece in December, like greeting a neighbor, donating blood or picking up litter in your neighborhood - plus 72 more great ideas that are evergreen!

You are also welcome to attend Starfire’s Community Design Session and Community Story Hour. We host these sessions monthly and they’re a great way to re-energize and connect.

Starfire Community Design Session - Thurs., Jan 13, 3-4 PM

Families, people with disabilities and citizens coming together to help design and grow good lives — and good communities! Starfire Community Design sessions nurture family leaders via asset-based, community and relationship-building approaches of the Ohio Family Network. Each session features conversation on creative ways to build inclusion, access resources, and overcome obstacles via moderated sessions with two parts:

-Collective Learning - small group design breakout sessions for attendees to discuss community projects and/or their journey; the design group addresses challenges / obstacles, and ideas for breakthroughs, etc.

-Commitment/Affirmation/Action - participants share their takeaways from the session and next steps.

Community Story Hour - Mon., Jan 24 Noon-1 PM

Give us an hour, and you'll get inspiring stories of families and citizens around our world who are thinking of creative ways to meet neighbors, build community, and end isolation for people with disabilities. January's storyteller is Lori Jennings who will share how she & her family became "named & known" in their neighborhood by hosting a pumpkin party that flowered and grew roots, both literally & figuratively!

Jan Goings