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Breakfast with the Board

Featuring Speaker Pip Coburn

Friday - June 26, 2020 - 8:00-9:30 AM


Starfire's work directly supports people with disabilities to participate in the community, build authentic relationships, and activate neighborhoods to be more socially connected. We look forward to networking with you!


Friday, June 26, 2020



8:00 - 9:30 AM



20th Century Theater

3021 Madison Rd,

Cincinnati, OH 45209


Ticket Price





More about the Speaker

Pip Coburn

This event brings New York-based global ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) investment adviser Pip Coburn to Cincinnati’s business and community leaders to explore transparency, a word to often confused with what we really want: trust. Instead of transparency, Pip advocates for openness and vulnerability and a more authentic path to trust, relationship, and community. Formerly Global Technology Strategist for UBS, Pip now advises a select client group on community-minded investments at his firm, Coburn Ventures. Pip studies monumental change patterns in society, marketplaces, organizations and individuals to inform high conviction investment decisions.


 Thank you to our event partners!

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