The Hart Family

Annual Christmas Tree Gathering (Goshen)


I have found it hard to put into words the impact Starfire has made on the filter with which I see the world, especially as it relates to our history, culture, and disability services.  I’m so surprised by this unveiling, having been trained as a social worker. But, there it is, I have more learning to do, always.  :) Also, when it’s your own child who is in the margins, it changes the way you see everything.  

I am so incredibly grateful for the investment Starfire has made into our family.  The investment of time and compassionate and patient conversations over 12 months has reshaped so many of my conversations and choices.  It has given me courage to share with family members and friends what we are excited about for our daughter’s life (and what we want to avoid).


The lens with which Starfire (Tim) has teased out with us over months of coffees and trainings is a firm foundation and filter as we engage with culture.  We feel empowered to embrace this lens.  It resonates with how we believe God sees our daughter; a creation made in God’s image with purpose, passion, and delight.  

We will work the rest of our days to continue to learn and walk a path of belonging, community building, and Love. We are so grateful for Starfire’s planting seeds in our path as we navigate this journey that we have learned requires forgiveness, bravery, and a beautiful imagination for what could be.  

The project was fun and delightful and magical.  But, the deeper work was in the coffee and conversation.  

Our family hosted a family Christmas tree planting (sang Christmas carols, drank hot cocoa, etc) with our neighbors and will host an annual neighborhood Christmas party to celebrate. 

Ashley Hart,
Family Leadership participant
