It takes all of us to fan the flames of inclusion
Your donation supports stories of people leading the way to greater inclusion in our communities
Every day Starfire counts on people like you. People who believe that we all belong here. You might know that some people experience more belonging in life than others. Social connection is one of our core human needs, and numerous studies have shown how isolation leads to poorer physical health and well-being as well as a lack of economic opportunities. This is especially true of people with developmental disabilities.
Starfire believes that people with disabilities and their families deserve quality supports to build meaningful connections in our community - and that is exactly what we do.
Your gift today will bring MORE stories of inclusion to life and to scale to MORE people and places:
50+ community projects launched by people with disabilities, their families, and neighbors
100 children and adults with disabilities activating and participating in our communities through projects, volunteer opportunities and employment matched to each person with a disabilities’ unique gifts
1,000 community members connected to people with disabilities and their families
2,500 human service professionals trained on inclusion best practices by Starfire
People with disabilities and their families are counting on you! Be part of the movement and donate today!